Monday, June 15, 2009

not really worth reading

So I am super bored. Today was officially my first day of break and its mind numbingly boring. I spent half my day on craigslist, facebook and myspace doing absolutely nothing.

I tried to paint a little, but everything seems flat and boring. I am pretty sure I should either be at a coffee shop or watching a movie or reading a book, but instead I am typing this for no reason.

I have been writing and half singing random rhymes and songs but nothing worth writing down.

Recently I saw some homies. Made myself awkward in a few situations.

I went to a corner store and got ten bucks worth of candy and pop.

I did some research for future classes.

I did some research on teaching abroad.

I did some research on the situation in Iran right now.

I did some research on some musicians I like.

I guess tomorrow we are going to have a mini “we are there for you” type gathering for my step sister who’s jaw is wired shut. Shakes or smoothies or something.

I am supposed to call my grandma. I am supposed to go to Leech Lake to visit with my fam.

I am supposed to get my car fixed over the break.

I have plans for Wednesday and Thursday afternoon. Maybe see pleasure pause on Friday night.

Its these times when I wish I were in a relationship, just to pass the time.

I also feel like trimming things back. Facebook friends I never talk to, people in my phone book, e mails I have been saving for no reason. Clutter... its all clutter. If I were less lazy I would clean my room and the bathroom.

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