Saturday, November 18, 2006

HMMMM so the big test i was worried about... is going on right now... but i didnt take the math one so they kicked me out for an hour. The reading one seemed incredibly easy... like easier than you would think -but it is a basic standards... Someone recently brought up the fact that we are in college so it seems kind of silly to require a basic standards test...but it is a state test not a university one so i guess bullocks to us or what not. The writing one will be a little more difficult... i dont have writing skills.

HMMM this weekend I am trying to wrap up a project i been working on for a few weeks. I present it on wednesday right before I head home, but the paper isnt actually due till the 4th... still I would like to have it done, or close to done...
The project was to record observations at the local town cafe/malt shop. I chose a ridiculous time all early in the morning and have been exhausted because of it.
Last night and today will be spent organizing and codifying all the typed up notes. color coordinating and such so that when i try to do analysis it will go smoother, demographics + observation = such and such...

Tonight is the second Jazz concert, I was talking to my friend Tall D (his real name is mike meyer) who is one of the top trombone players in the band, and he said the new drummer (who is awesome and a freshman) played a solo combo last night for about 5 minutes in which he uses cellphones and other random things to get weird sounds out of the drums and the vibrations of the drums. Must have been sweet.
They usually have about 5-7 combos inbetween the 4 main bands (each night has differnt combos). Our school is known for Jazz throughout the midwest. I have heard many students here say that they came to this school simply from attending a concert here when they were in highschool. Lots of highschools come for the big Jazz fest at the end of the year... usually there are guest performaces from people from around the world...
anyway... jazz tonight... Brian, (tall d's roommate also a friend, and also a trombonist) stopped me on the way home yesterday and asked if I was coming.. I replied "yeah but only saturday" he thought it was funny that i was ONLY coming saturday... I always try to make it to both shows (for the different combos).
I was thinking about how, the jazz kids get to hear and see it all the time, but for the rest of us its 1-5 times a semester, depending on if you go to the jazz dances (for some reason i dont go to those)...

Thanksgiving is coming up and fast. Im not sure how i will feel when its happening, but im hoping to make the most out of the weekend which means no rest.
I got people to see and work to do when im not seeing em.
I have another presentation and paper due when I get back... and still another group presentation and paper after that.
They really dont give us much rest around here.

What to say....
more later... im gonna get something to drink or chill or monkey around a little.

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