Friday, August 04, 2006

several words before i go get food...

seems like i never post when im in morris eh? thats cuz all my thoughts are spoken to lex... pretty much... i guess i dont think too much.



* My lil brother got in to milwaukee...
* I found my india journal
* Our water got turned off at the house (by the landlord not the city) which i have been told we can get a refund for, but i feel weird asking for money back when no one is living there... then i wonder why we are paying money when no one is living there.
* we got to celebrate mi chica's 23erd... and today is rock's 21st.
* I got to see several members of my family in morris this past week.
* I realized today, that i will probably not end up going to see two of my favorite bands this fall (the chili peppers and the mars volta in concert together...)
and that really blows... but the floor tickets are already sold out... and i dont even know if i would be able to go... (like school wise)
It also i think shows how old i am, that i didnt just buy tickets immediately when they went on sale... im some sort of old geezer i guess... slow on the draw
* i had some other things.... im gonna go see becky tomorrow...
* Im hoping to go to sioux falls on sunday...
* im also hoping to leave from there for colorado like possibly thursday
* I think i want to write something about "the pay roll" (some thoughts from karma police by radiohead) --well its written on my hand anyway..

we are looking for a roommate! help!?!?

and also school starts on the 28th so that probably means moving to morris on the 26th or so...


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