Wednesday, June 22, 2005

"oh fuck what do i do!!"

Saw Madagascar last night, it was funny and all but probably not as funny as i expected it to be, which is sad...
some good dancing though. they paint an unrealistically good view of zoos and animals and stuff, but its a kids movie so u know.

Trying to see a movie tonight with my pops but i dont know if that will happen, i felt bad for not getting him a fathers day gift, i went over to eat with him twice, that seemed like celebration enough.
but then i thought, oh maybe he will see the batman movie with me, doesnt sound like thats gonna happen.
maybe steve...

Yesterday was my first pottery class, and probably my first official teaching job, though it was for kids younger than i will be certified to teach, 8-11 yrs old and there are thirteen of them, and one seemed really pissed off or bored.
I ran out of stuff to tell them about 20 mins in to the class. It was rather quiet and the kids were shy, and i become a bumbling idiot when im nervous and no one else is talking so that was fun. I realized that the kids are pretty much down for anything but i already taught them about pinch coil and slab techniques so now im like "oh fuck what do i do!!" so thats cool you know.. I asked them stupid questions and now im gonna have to prepare real lesson plans. I wasnt even supposed to work today!! (thats not true its just a poorly misquoted quote) or something. so yeah, and then i had a horrible day at work where i just felt exhausted all night. and then we saw the movie and today seems like a better day, though i woke up tired as shit and had a bunch of strange ass psuedo nightmares and shit.

yall be good ya hear?

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