Sunday, June 19, 2005

Me and Ill were talking about languages, I had spent half an hour watching the news in french at her dad's house, she was helping edit some translations for him. Her family history is rich in foreign cultures and it occurred to me that she ought to know like 5 lnguages, and she felt the same and was mad that her parents would ask when she was gonna take classes when they could have just brought her up speaking french hebrew arabic italian etc.

its weird for me, I know in reality I have just as much ability to learn a language as anyone else, not that I can even master english, but basic conversations in another language ought to be in reach and seem to be for everyone around me, at least lately. I often tell people I can understand spanish just cant speak it, and to an extent thats true but it takes a lot of concentration and helps enormously if they use hand gestures.
the guys at work are trying to teach me some spanish. Im glad in a lot of ways but I dont think I will ever pick up anything unless i live there and even then it seems like it would be more difficult than people make it out to be. Anyway i guess im fortunate in that I am constantly around people who are better then me.

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