Wednesday, August 20, 2003

i was gonna set out to be a minimalist in packing, but as im going more and more things keep coming to mind, and why not bring them since i have them, i mean i'd onyl end up borrowing and buyign them anyway so...

maybe i will fill up a car.

im still very unsure of what im gonna do cd wise. i mean i could go cheap and just take the burned cds which would get me through a bit of time but i will constantly be wanting the other ones, and i am a paranoid motha fucker when it comes to my cds. They are better then money any day, and i dotn want them stolen or scratched or lost or nothing so im very unsure.

also things like clothes. As it is, i have like 2 months worth of clothes at my house, but this is way too much. so as it stands i think im bringing 4 heavy sweatshirt like things, like 6-8 long sleeve. 14 t shirts. and 4-5 pairs of pants. Too much? not enough?

packing for a new life is weird. a lot of the shit i know i wont need, but once again it comes to, What if?

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