Thursday, December 05, 2002

so my mom ýs here and she has the dýgýtal camera (ý suppose thats one thýng ý kýnda wýsh ý had, lýke a dýgýtal camera or výdeo camera, but ýt would suck to have to take care of ýt) anyway so that means ý got some pýcs from my trýp but uh ý wont be able to put them up týll ý get back, so u wýll all have already heard the storýes and seen my haýr and shýt lýke that. But maybe ýts cool, um at the breakfast anytýme web page on the lýnks sýde (thýs guy who ýs a student ýn england rýght now) u can get some pýctures of turkey some of the shýt ý have seen here anyway and hes a really good wrýter (or at least ý lýke hým) so u can here about the places or at least hýs ýmpressýons. cuz ým lazy and he has a dýgýtal. I wýll say though that the cýstern thýng that he talks about ýs way ýmpressýve, especýally when they have an orchestra down there (wednesdays) whých we got to seeÝhear and well ýt was probably one of the most ýmpressýve beautýful thýng ý have ever heard. Turkýsh classýcal, not lýke tradýtýonal turkýsh musýc but classýcal musýc played ýn turkýsh style wýth theýr ýnstruments and ýt was more then heavenly.

um other than that, ý went ýn the blue mosque, aya sofýa, the palace, another couple places. We checked out a cemetary and a carpet maker. Lots of stuff yesterday was a pretty busy day.

I have na been sleepýng well ýn turkey. Some would say ýts the ýncredýbly loud techno turkýsh musýc playýng týll 2 but ý actually enjoy goýng to sleep to that.

ýts raýnýng today. we are near taksým square (check out hýs pýctures they are from last month ý thýnk, look ýn the archýves)

um yesh well ý wýll have to tell u more stuff another day. we are goýng to ephesus tomorrow and another place the next day.
so ý probably wont be able to use the ýnternet, maybe though.

um yeah ý am not ýn a proper wrýtýng mood, ý havena been thýs whole trýp. Not lýke a creatýve wrýtýng mood. I found thýs old journal ý was gonna keep last year durýng school, ýt had one entry ý wýll wrýte ýt ýn soon, cuz for some reason ý fýnd ýt ýnterestýng and therefor feel the need to bore u wýth ýt.

blah blah blah
ýts homeroom day ýts a fun day....

what would u do wýthout mr a? and becker besýdes be able to have the mandala work wýth the art staff? that may have come out meanly but ýts not ý understand why they dont, ý even agree to a good extent. however ýts true ýs ýt not?

ý wonder what my mom ýs wrýtýng about me rýght now at her computer?? hmmm ýnterestýng.

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