Friday, December 20, 2002

On another note, I am in paris.
I like it though its expensive, i dont know what to say about it yet so i will probably only make a few slight comments in this post, they will come from the top of my head not the bottom and will probably sound like raw unedited babble because they are.

First off thanks to Caroline for taking me in and being so very kind, and wonderful and generally just cool
(not the one in the previous post, though i'd like to thank her too) they both happen to be french.

Second And this follows the caroline being cool thing, so far i still havent run into a rude parisian (spelling?) they have all been nice so far and im actuall just waiting for the meanness to start but its all good really i wouldnt hold it against them. This city is amazing, i ty not to compare cities but this one is exellent, the weather could be slightly better, but thats not paris's fault nope it is not. They have an easy internet cafe so i can write long posts and e mails and such. Though everything else is mad expensive, like london. This old lady just walked in, in a clown costume now thats cool.

The sites are extrordinary (damn that no spell check)
I had a tender moment at notre dame not so much like moved by the place but i try to say a prayer in every holy place i visit, whether it be a mosque temple street corner hostel room, church whatever and todays prayer was a bit heavy. so i cried a bit oh well

i still smell, ungodly. I feel sorry for Illanit cuz if we do actually meet she will need some nose plugs.

hmm a note on the catholic church. Just cuz i dont believe the same things doesnt mean i dont respect people for their beliefs, and just cuz i dont like the whole art thing in religion doesnt mean i dont enjoy the art. So not bad mouthing the catholic church today, its like badmouthing anything else of course its shite at times, but it probably does a lot of good as well. Like the u s a
just cuz it sucks doesnt mean its fucked forever. We can change... give us time...

oh well its raining today so i think im gonna go on a bus ride, i will not see varsaille (sp?) hmm i've run out of shit to say (like u had any to begin with)

i find myself talking to me more often as you and not I or me or myself oh u do do you? oh yes I do or u do or something, shut up me.

Peace and love yall i will report back another day,

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