Sunday, December 01, 2002

argghhh i just lost another whole post, so i am in sofia bulgaria. I am leaving in about 2.5 hours even though i really like it here. um its too cold though. lets see, aimee if u see illy tell her to send me her plans for france again, and if not i will just write her in a week. Uh what else. Budapest is cool. Met some cats there and in vienna and in italy and all over. I feel im failing this web journal thing, but i have stories written down i can write in later when im at home and have lots of free time. um today a rather attractive woman tried to pickpocket me. That was fun. she had the wrong pocket and was a bit too obvious. although there is a scary sort of vibe about eastern europe its still pretty damn cool. I mean if i had cats with me i would stay over here longer then western but its kind harsh alone. no one to be lost and confused with. no one to talk to on the 27 hour train trip from budapest to sofia. Which stopped in bucharest romania, so if u look at a map its a completely illogical route. Which is kind of an eastern europe thing. Um oh lots of shit and no way to say it. No time to say it in. These chicas i met in budapest were pretty sweet, one of them reminded me of nova like a lot. The other one (phoenix) told me about this commune in holland which sounds sooo cool but i can not go, probably not anyway. Maybe another time. Maybe its time to start a commune back home, kristen u up for it? after school maybe?

Hmm so my phone card is running out cuz i talked to my mom and dad a bit too much lately, but on thanksgiving my dad got my grampa on the phone and after explaining how we have been writing e mails and such to communicate my grampa said the funniest thing he goes "well this is my first time on the internet." (we were on a phone) my dad then explained it to him some more but it was great at the time. When i get back im gonna swap europe stories with my gramps, cuz i have never talked to him about the war days.

um i keep planning on coming back to places in the future, like a trip to north eastern europe and such but at the same time im not sure if im gonna wanna travel much after this, maybe in a couple years i will get the craving again. for now its like a satisfied craving. in 2 more months it willl be an exausted one and i will come home. full of theories and stories u guys wont want to hear, it will be great. I will start every sentence with "well back when i was in ______ ."

oh so fun. A little about eastern europe, u know Dave chappel (spelling?) when hes talking about getting taken to the ghetto, and not having time to prepare like mentally? thats what eastern europe is. You go from major city to shite in about 2 seconds and culture shocks follows and u feel like shit for being paranoid in your limo, so u stand at the slightly cracked window and throw money or advice to the baby selling drugs on the corner. You know?

actually though the drugs will be sleeping pills mixed into a bottle of water that u think is safe and u will fall asleep on the train and wake up without money or bags, its quite fun...

hmm but i like eastern europe alot in fact i have had more fun and i tend to meet cooler cats out here rather then in west (well so far) but its a bit hard when ur on ur own, like i said that 27 hour train ride kinda gives ur mind time to think some crazy shit, like about u being a spy working for the west infiltrating the east, or um being a city person going into the wild wild west or something. Never mind him hes just a bit loco.

oh well i guess thats it, my only problem with sofia is how all the maps use like english letters but all the street signs use the bulgarian letters so basically u never know where u are. yeah thats all i can think of the people have been very friendly and helpful (despite the rumors) and um i like seeing dogsd and cats who look healthy roving the streets i can see why Dominic would want to live here. Its a pretty sweet little town, (not actually little or a town) good night life too i hear, it seemed bumping all around town last night. oh yeah and there is music everywhere which is kickass for me since i dont have a cd player or anything but i must go tlling ya peace and love some actual stories later i have na even told about luigi (guitarist in venice) yet check ya later

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