Tuesday, July 14, 2009

some things are harder to enforce than others

When a student is bored,
because say; the video isn’t loading properly on the computer projection screen,
leaving all to behold the great projected blank scene
with an “in progress” hourglass they have no doubt witnessed
several million times in their short short lives
and thus they are being educated with more of the same, it remains
their duty to sit still and attentive. Right?

And when the room is full of sweaty 16-18 year olds,
And the temperature inside is hotter than out,
And there is a fan, but its barely swiveling about,
And it’s the last hour in the day,
and even the computer seems to be wasting away
and the directions have been given, so that mostly we are all just sitting
waiting for time to pass on that hourglass…
well they are still in class so it’s their job to pay attention.

When there isn’t a hand out, When the chalk board has run out,
of helpful hints, that they just squinted for,
but their notebooks are gathered on their laps,
and they are told to “STOP” when their pen starts its taps,
When the teacher has gone through each every point and the only thing left is to wait for the fucking hourglass to turn back to the arrow point
Its still not time to play
So if you talk too much you will be sent away… because laughing and joking and showing your boredom is an affront to us all and doesn’t help the situation.

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