Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Smaller notes from the other day

I think my idea of the ideal male body is changing to include some level of muscle (perhaps fat_ but balance seems to be a key ingredient in the ideal of both male and female forms.

I like the way the toothpaste gathers around my mouth when I brush my teeth giving me a sort of half clown make up smile, and though I wipe it away before anyone can see it, each morning it makes me happy.

I'm not sure sunglasses actually look good on anyone. A distraction at best, they tease, but perhaps to put a positive spin on the distasteful but functional item, they do offer a moment to indulge your imagination and envision the truth in a strangers masked face.

I love honest people, people who use their honesty to create and communicate rather than disgrace, a challenge but so as to embrace.

The woman here doesn't say anything when he sneezes but puts her cheek to his and her arm around his shoulder while staring together at the computer screen.

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