Tuesday, March 18, 2008

I just watched this speech by Obama, and I'm pretty sure I'm voting for him now.
Or rather, supporting him, I know it's a little late to vote for him and the rest of the country will decide. I guess the switch came mostly because I heard him really speak again. I have heard many of his stump speeches, Clinton's too, but they stopped sounding real a long time ago. Obama in this speech was able to convince me again that he is real and ready to handle real things. I'm still a little disturbed by his conservative streak. His personal responsibility talk, not because I don't believe in personal responsibility but because I worry when politicians talk about it that what they are really saying is "you're cut off" and usually at the worst time.

Anyway, this speech was my college experience in sociology. It was my experience in the United States and across the world. It was good. It wasn't the most inspirational, but it was one of the most honest speeches I have seen in a while by a politician. And honesty isn't what always wins me over... I didn't believe John Edwards the way I wanted to, but I liked what he had to say. I don't always like Clinton or Obama, but I want someone to take on the real challenge every once in a while, and like he says in the speech, he could run from this latest scandal, but why not address it the way it should be?

Franken is on letterman tonight if you care.
Apparently its all fairly scripted out.

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