Sunday, April 29, 2007

on feeling better (for whoever that comment was from, you guys are silly... add a couple letters)

well it helps that i was never feeling that bad about anything...
and didnt have any significant reason for feeling bad.

but I think the biggest change has just been being more and more open to possibilities, but not going fast, or pushing for something better... accepting what is... I guess thats also why yesterday, this weekend was a little bittersweet. because there is a big part of me that gets caught up in ideas (that seemed rushed) but i also know i need to be safe. (a little in-fighting)

anyway... i think most of this started very subtly around winter break... but intensified more and more, and just made me very open to all these wonderful people i am meeting for the first time, or who i have always really enjoyed but never got to hang with much... lots of blessings in the form of other people being open to asking me to join them (i could hint here, but maybe i will just thank them tomorrow, or the next day) and people liking to talk. its nice to be meeting people, or enjoying the company of others, it feels right and natural and good. it reminds me who i am, and i think thats why im doing aight... because all of a sudden i realize there is a world of wonderful people who i can care about, and who care about me not just one of two. and thats something i think i lose track of sometimes...
last night while walking on the street people randomly coming this way and that called out my name 3 times... people from classes, just saying hi. and it was really amazing, just sort of being acknowledged at random... the nice things a "hey" can do of course they all called me by my name... which seems even more personal... made me feel welcome. So a breath of fresh air. a breath of fresh people smell... and they smell good, and beautiful and right.

its easy to share with people how wonderful they are when u are feeling good about life... i hope i can remember to do that when im not... or rather i also hope im letting enough people know... if i havent said anything.. you are beautiful.

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