Thursday, October 19, 2006

A Round-about Sociopolitical Argument

The other day I was singing and writing songs in the car… like I do… I wrote one about road kill which is currently a poem on facebook…
Anyway. I was also thinking up a song on the supposed “liberal media”

The point of that song was more about how conservatives are in fact represented much more than they claim to be.
But here is the argument.

When liberals, feminists, sociologists etc, bring up things like social barriers to better paying jobs, education, standard of living, etc… conservatives tend to say that that is wrong.. That in America people can work hard and become whatever they want, so those who don’t make it are either “not good enough” (old argument) or “lazy” (newer argument)… well most of us know that isn’t true, but conservatives tend to think across the board that liberals own and are the main influence on the media… so assuming that they are right. What explains this phenomenon? Is it that conservatives are not attracted to audiovisual expression? The printed word?
Do they not like reading and writing, are they afraid of cameras and microphones?
No… none of these are true, they say that the media keeps conservatives out.

And yet these are the same people that say openly racist/sexist/homophobic/etc institutions and people in power don’t keep hard workers down.
Now I know this is silly, but what a wonderful double standard…

They disagree with affirmative action and yet they want a say and a job as the “minority” in the media. Meh… just one more thought on the hypocrisy…

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