Monday, October 16, 2006

apparently i wait a long time between posts now. i guess i havet known what to say. Take back the night went well. I realized how stressed i had been when i immediately passed out following the event.

Lex told me that she is moving to texas in a few months. Im not sure what that means, so its hard to write about.

Im currenly in Milwaukee visiting my brother. Im not sure i accomplished what i set out to do, but i think it has been good. Im worried about him. He is in a tough situation. spends a lot of time at home, not knowing what else to do. Hes on some meds now, one of which puts him to sleep. Im worried that if there was ever a fire at night, he wouldnt get out.

I might see becky tomorrow, might not. she is working, s depending on if she has stuff to do for work i might drive a little off the path to see her.

I was hoping to see illy monday night too. but she hasnt gotten back to me which means probably not... but we shall see.

tuesday i head back to morris. I know i have homework to do, but im hoping to have a nice fun night on tuesday. everyone is so stressed lately, so bummed, so overwhelmed so anxious... (or maybe just me)

there are lots of deer out there on the road, and im afraid to hit one.

its hot and then cold and then hot and then cold... at least i havent had a headache lately...
maybe i just needed more water.

im not sure what the future holds...its sort of looks depressing at times.

i realized the other day that i havent really done anything for my older brother... but he also hasnt asked. im hoping to bring back some lawn signs...
if he loses the election that will be rough. if dems lose in general it will be rough.
i was thinking about writing an editorial or something about how the little political races matter too... but how does one write unbiased, when it affects them personally.
diego sleeps next to me, im dirty and smelly.
the departed is a very violent but funny/interesting movie.

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