Monday, October 09, 2006

I just wrote out a list of all the things I had to do this semester just for school and it was quite a doozy.... then it got erased... so that was fun.
Lots of work to go, and I have already gotten stressed out.

I hope something bad doesnt happen cuz i dont know if i could take it.
Tom my old roommate and friend is in the hospital, apparently some bacterial infection in his blood stream sent him to the hospital with almost a 106 degree fever
he was transferred down to the cities... I have been told he is recovering, but is unhappy.
This coming weekend is fall break, and I think I want to go see Steve as he doesnt seem to be doing so well out in Milwaukee, I dont think it is the school but personal issues that he is dealing with, seemed to make him miserable.
This past weekend I saw a jazz concert (always good) and the national players performance of Othello which is a hard sad play. jealousy and a very cruel and sneaky charcter seem to turn the world upside down and destroy everything good. It doesnt even end with anything nice.
I got most of my homework done tonight, it may be poorly done, but its done.

Today/tomorrow I get to go to pizza hut and then write a speech about domestic abuse, which i will give right before Take Back the Night on tuesday, can you imagine what I may be advertising? its a hard speech to give, but if i practice it enough and dont think about anything i wont cry.
the other day i spent about 2 hours thinking about what i might say at take back the night during the speak out, i also volunteered to speak on PHE's behalf, I think Im just gonna say that there is info and someone to talk to at the wellness center but that for serious stuff they should go to counseling or the police, then I might talk about some of the affects of abuse, assault etc that people forget about, like stress, fear/anxiety, depression, insomnia etc. I may go so far as to bring up some of the larger disorders that have a high correlation.

Im nervous about this semster. I just remembered I have to take a big test in a bout a month. Lex says she will help me study which is so nice. Im not sure when and where i can fit in my directed study stuff.

oh well back to homework... (almost done!!!)

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