Wednesday, June 07, 2006

its kind of like the things you do wont ever be good enough, the satis factory is closed.

If you know or not, i use to practice the socratic method. I used to be more like russ, i spose, closed off and trying to mentally stimulate and even a touch of that often sympathised with sexual tension creepiness, but anyway, is the socratic method really just a mind fuck for people who think they smarter? did socrates sew crates together? and by that i mean did he allow his method to be performed on him, or was he a creppy grandmaster pope like fool?

I had lunch with my moms, we revealed the secrets, the doubts and hopes like they were nothing like we do. and smiled and hugged when we were done like we do, like this sort of connection is normal. my motha gives me advice that makes sense but that she probably also takes advantage of, as in she can say straight faced that it would be good for me to have boundaries and not open up to everyone the way i do, but she also likes it when i open up to her like i do it makes her feel connected to me, like all those others. its more important than boundaries that protect.. these are bridges.

I never saw menards as a place to go for art supplies and now i know better, but the true menards shoppers park by the exit, thats why u can get a good spot at the front, cuz they know whatever it is they buy is gonna be heavy as hell.

that nap should have been more revitalizing.
these cds are great
and so is django who i slept by.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Heh. I still love Russ (yay for crushes on your RA) despite his potential creepiness and emotionlessness. Because he makes me think more than anyone I've met, and he shows he cares in weird little ways. Don't worry, questioning people isn't a bad trait to have.
