Tuesday, October 04, 2005

So far it looks very likely that I will be going to europe next semester. I e mailed andtalked to one of my profs today and he said he thought it would work out, suggested some profs to talk to and said he assumed things would be fine.
so now i check with those profs, suggest some directed studies and then talk to the teacher who is doing my india trip and if all that seems like it will work then 98% chance of going I'd say.

I would be out of town from like dec 27 till like summer, or maybe well into summer depending on illy and/or becky.

in other news counseling was interesting today, we did a form of free association and though im not sure how far we got (i feel like there is just millions of things to cover-and it will take forever) we were making some progress, he asked me why i hadnt mentioned seeing luke fall from a slide across the park from my house, and possibly thinking he was dead, cuz he asked me about child hood trauma a few weeks ago. I told him i had forgotten, or it didnt seem important cuz luke turned out fine. but i think it really did reinforce my overprotective worrying side. He also thinks I was really bored sometimes as a child and though we didnt get into it much, that me and james may have reversed normal childhood roles during the hectic periods in our lives. If that is true, i think it would be because james was old enough to know what was going on with our parents and was pissed about it and well aware that it was out of his control, i wasnt old enough and so i thought i could help work things out. I tend to think me and james switched roles ( in some ways) when he stopped talking to my dad. anyway...

i really need to go write a paper and do a ton of other homework.

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