Friday, September 05, 2003

I woke up today feeling wonderful thanks to a dream i had, which reminded me of my love for people. It was quite nice. Many interesting things happened today in terms of me being questioned about my masculenity, which doesnt bother me. I realized i tend to play into certain stereotypes and because sometimes people dont have any other frame of reference except that of the stereotypes they know, it becomes unclear, and i often dont clear the confusion up unless it is directly questioned.

The other day they had the first vegan potluck (spelling?) it was pretty interesting, nothin i could eat, but some great people watching and it helped me put some names to faces i have or will see on campus. It was a nice time, i think i will probably continue to attend.

Im a little unsure of hom much i want to apply myself this semester. Im a cautious person and it works for me most of the time.

My dad is coming to see me on sat. im currently doing laundry.

Things have slowed down but still continue. We played capture the flag tonight, a sort of weekly thing. Im sort of becoming hooked the attention or affection of certain people. Which is weird, i hardly know them, can rarely talk to them. I miss music, i will soon bring more. I want my lil brother to visit. I want to have more time to chill. I think i may even want to stay in college for a few more years. Maybe after 3-4 i will be sick of it but maybe i will want to continue. maybe i can be a super senior.
whats the rush? i think i miss a lot of things/people and dont want to admit it. Its not draining to miss them and such so it hasnt forced me to do anything about it. Dont know what i'd do if i was forced.

I was hoping for less busy work, spanish and logic are all exercises. I need to go write observations on people. I need a better understanding of spanish and someone to speak it with. but not online like nova would like. I think in person spanish is much nicer.

I think i need to go pick up my laundry.

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