Monday, March 02, 2020


It was my first day of work.

I was considering vlogging, creating an entertaining story, trying to emphasize and enjoy...

I am not a great story teller, and I don't use helpful analogies or frameworks nearly enough.

I was thinking about how many questions I ask, and how sometimes they are not helpful for the peeps around me, but they are helpful for me.

I was thinking about how difficult it is to give people corrective feedback, and how sometimes I don't know if it is important enough.

I got out of work at 4:30 and I was exhausted.  I know that this won't always be the case. I didn't sleep well last night. But it made me wonder how I will spend these weeknights. I think I will need to schedule things, or nothing will ever happen.

Not sure what will happen in life.

I felt moments of doubt and excitement, confidence and insecurity, curiosity and disinterest.  I suppose today I was a human.

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