Thursday, February 13, 2014

Dear Mike,
Sometimes I like the way you hold me,
there I said it. I hope this doesn't 
change things too much between us.
I've been wanting to tell you for awhile, 
like a REALLY LONG while.
I just feel, better when I'm in your hand.
I feel useful, like I belong.
Whenever you throw me back in your pocket
I have to compete for your attention
amongst the other writing utensils.
It just isn't fair, why can't you always pick me!?!
I'm sorry I don't know why I get so jealous.
...highlighter doesn't accentuate your style 
the way I do, and Red is always so critical!
Me, I'm easy, I'm perfect, we belong together
you and I. I am slick and write legibly, my ink
doesn't blotch or spatter everywhere - I'm the
kind of pen you want to take home to your parents.
I don't mind being precise for you, but I also love
when you make those abstract designs 
and fluid lines too. I melt in your hand, 
I swoon for you. Please keep me 
forever.  My ink is replaceable, you know, 
you could fill me up with any color. 
I could be your go to gal. I could 
be there for you when you need to... write a check, or
draw a picture, or correct papers, or 
design a whole new world for us! I'm reliable,
I don't get squeamish, and if you said
yes, I'd be positively delighted 
and wouldn't have to _____ well 
lets not get into that nasty business. I mean
we all know what I'm capable of
if I get upset...  its not like it has to be 
So anyway I hope you will consider my proposal
Me   -   I will be yours.
Truly and forever


P.S.   Purple wets the bed.... and by bed I mean your pocket. 

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