Wednesday, March 06, 2013

4 or 5

A) My room is like some weird vortex lately, a one way moving escalator that reverse upon morning, but in the late afternoon just doesn't have an exit. I came home with every intention of leaving again, go to the coffee shop was the agenda the entire day.... I made several calls and texts before I got home, intending to keep working on them... and now I don't even want to pick up the phone when people call back... its annoying that I can't seem to get things done, the moment I enter the no motivation black hole.

B) I have been in a better mood. I think it started right around the time I realized I had very few friends and needed to start being open about what was bothering ... go figure right?
I still don't know what I am doing with my life, but suddenly that feels less important... just continue to reach out occasionally and all is well no?

C) I am trying to avoid visually arousing material this month. Its more difficult than I imagine when I think these kinds of goals up.

D)  I heard another version of this song recently and it reminded me how beautiful this it is...  I looked up covers because I think some of the extra side effects kind of distract from how beautiful the song is   but its hard because how do you cover Frusciante?    this guy tried its not amazing, but its pretty decent...  One of my former students tried a Frusciante song here.  I am trying to get him to continue and make a series of them.

E) I have been watching this a lot lately

other things...
Sure been a full life for me

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