Saturday, February 16, 2013

Someone named mike woke up on the wrong side of the bed

Its not that I actually am angry today I am just easily irritated. Like does anyone know how to drive today? 
I overheard a couple on a first date and was really glad it wasn't me. Not that it was SO bad, but I was just annoyed.
I overheard some other people talking and I thought, wow it would be really nice to have curious friends.
Then I thought about how I evade people like that, or sideswipe their questions.

I wrote down a whole series of thoughts on that topic that I have been thinking about. I will probably type them out later for posterity or whatever...
but one thing I didn't write down was the brief interaction I had at the bookstore last night. Not that it really matters, but I thought it was funny.
I was buying this book by the Dalai Lama  and the girl at the counter said "Oh I just finished this." I asked if it was any good she said yes but it got a little repetitive. Then I said yeah I find some of his stuff to be like that, but maybe its a Buddhist thing, like you get used to repeating mantras, to which she responded, well it does help you keep it in mind.
Then as I was walking out, I thought about how we all have the tendency to do that, to write down the same thing over and over and over... I am sure this thought is typed somewhere on this blog.

At the coffee shop today the curious people were talking about "exactly how much attention can be expected by a significant other" the girl was relating that she wished her boyfriend would show her more attention, especially emotionally. The boys, said that they thought it was important to check in, but between all the social media things, it didn't always make sense to have a conversation, because you probably already have a good idea of how the person is doing... and then they talked about how different relationships are these days compared to just 10-20 years ago (for their parents).  This while I was reading the Dalai Lama's take on technology and science and his emphasis on the intention behind creating new technology or pursuing science... that it must be geared for compassion not just growth or interest... and this lead me back to my writing... are conveniences allowing me to separate myself from others, creating shallower and shallower relationships etc?  
I don't think most people would describe me that way, but aren't I becoming it?

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