Friday, June 15, 2012


I'm sitting at a dunn bros in Roseville. I drove up here intending to get here early and meet a friend for dinner and movie later, but then we changed plans based on movies schedules and now I will need to hightail it to Richfield and Edina...
but I am not worried about that.

I just finished Mockingjay the third in the Hunger Games series and had to hold back the tears. Its hard to finish a book once you have become attached to the characters.

I'm sitting staring at this girl's feet across from me. She is also leaning into a laptop and reading periodically, but I am staring at her feet because they are orange... tan. Maybe its the lighting, but her sandal style shoes only cover part of her foot and the part that is uncovered looks orange and is accented by pink toe nail polish and the contrast between the orange/pink and her black shoes and pants is so strong...
And it makes me realize how different all of our lives are for some reason. yet the same right? like shes sipping on a strawberry smoothie like the one I had earlier in the day, and we are sitting in the same coffee shop and both doing the same activities, and both talked on the phone.

and yet I feel like a conversation with her would be about things of which I have no understanding...

She left. 

I'm trying to organize and figure out my two biggest daily concerns... 

Are we putting on a a series of events that no one wants? or are we doing something new and invigorating?

The question could be directed at both work and the other work...

Someone praised me today for checking in with a few people... I guess the week was successful.

Tomorrow I am volunteering at a fun benefit. I hope it goes according to plan, that I don't screw up and also that it isn't too hot.

Last night I met with Russ and felt fairly certain that the world could be magical... at a certain point my mood turned slightly, but I still expected great things. I guess that is how I go through life, expecting.

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