Tuesday, February 07, 2012

tough actions

Earlier this year in Men's class we had a conversation on why it is important to have tough conversations.
Following the discussion, my coworker (who is also an emt) did a short powerpoint on symptoms and diseases and things that can happen to male genitals.
It was a shock video, you know the kind that grosses everyone out, but at the same time the message was important. If something is wrong get help.
I have been having pain in that area for a few days... its a sort of dull ache, nothing that would make me cry or scream or anything.  All the websites say it could be different things and that I should go to the doctor...
The two things keeping me from that are A) time  B) money.

I have health insurance so its no big deal, but I just feel weird about being checked out if its nothing. Especially since that costs money for nothing.
The last time I went to my doctor it was nothing, the time before nothing.
I don't even really have a doctor, I just go to the one my mom got me into when I had shingles...
Anyway, if it turns out to be something I need surgery for I feel like I wouldn't have time to do that till spring break (which is like 2 months away).

I feel very little worry about this as far as the actual symptoms...
at worse testicular cancer is like 95% no problem.
If I end up being infertile, there will be some grieving but it will save me a whole lot of anxiety around having children I cant afford... and I  have really only been sexually active for like an 1/9 of my life.
Which is sad, but whatevs. 

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