Monday, June 21, 2010

I don't like my body/mind or whatever this is.
I got 2.5 hours of interrupted sleep last night. I woke up at 3:40 and couldn't get back to sleep. I made it through the day without becoming totally sick, but then when I try to take a nap I get woken up after an hour and don't feel well rested at all.
All day long I felt like I got kicked in the stomach about every 25 minutes.
I went to the bathroom something like 15 times.
I had a really hard time paying attention to work, so I kept trying to get into a zone, but every time I completed a task or had free time, kick to the stomach.
This has been happening every time someone is mad at me or I am nervous about a relationship for the past few years (sometimes I think always).
Sometimes I feel like solving problems as soon as possible is more a matter of life and death than it should be. I don't like feeling like death.
I need to learn how to live without this over sensitivity I have developed to my fears and conscience.

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