Friday, September 14, 2007

So Laurel said something recently describing her poetry as not being good for speaking, or reading out loud or performing... and in some ways I think she is right about this however, I took a poetry class last semester and the people who really stood out were the performers, but that didnt necessarily mean they had the best poetry, the best line that spoke to the crowd or beautified something. But that sort of literal poetry (for reading only) is really something remarkable in people who do it well.. and its really nice to have her blogging these now, because she has some really impressive pieces. I dont think there are many people out there who are good at that sort of poetic craft work, sure i enjoy running in to them, and havementioned a few on here.. I really enjoy adrianne's or Aaron I's work, I think people create masterpieces that somehow capture not only a moment, or a feeling in richer terms than i can even think, but they do so in beautiful language... which to me is just impossible sometimes... im constantly frustrated by the fact that i really dont have a great vocab... I use small words... im impatient. I rhyme for flow because its the best trick i know to mask the lack of actual beauty.
This gift these people have may not always be something I praise out loud... but I am forever impressed by it. And I really wish there were more ways for these people to show off.

Im trying to record some spoken word/poetry tracks of my own for a project....
its fun, i enjoy manipulating my own words and sentences and using accents or different intonations... Im often surprised by the stumbled over imagery, but I know its not obvious to every one considering i dont always even notice when i write it.

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