Saturday, September 01, 2007

Mouthful of bees
my music snobbery has gotten the best of me... i cant stand it, not the music snobbery the attitudes of the people who claim they hear something that isnt there... well on 2-3 songs it was aight... I went to the myspace of the band and it sounded much better, but still wasnt pop sensible.. the lyrics arent clear. the drumming is the best part and the guitars are too simple to be intiricate complex interest music, and too mundane and non-popish to be something like grunge.... so what are we left with? a fairly simple sound (minus the drums) that isnt that catchy... and isnt complicated, and isnt all that interesting, and doesnt evoke emotions, or mental interest, it doesnt sound like any category of music, it sounds like a band trying to be radiohead's later stuff, minus the sensibility and thoughtfulness.

and apparently this is the next big band from mn! oh joy!!!
and I say "maybe I dont get the new music" and people tell me its not a new sound, it sounds like 5 other bands i havent heard... and I think... well maybe these guys are just the boiled down version of something that once was worth listening to...
although their produced shit on myspace isnt half as bad as the actual concert. but once again i say its the drummer that makes the band.. and if she wasnt so in to it, and people werent so bored and tool like, they might recognize that the band sounds like possibly talented people playing garbage disposal music. (as a last give in, they did play about three songs that sounded worth listening to, but three 4 minutes songs that i would possibly care to hear again in an hour is not my thing.) im not even sure if there were choruses, so not much hook.

The second band, the hopefuls sounded hopeful at first, (even though they started their first song with about 4 bars of something that sounded like everclear, and i always disliked everclear) a sort of college shitty version of weezer? a touch of the weakerthans? some harmony an understanding of pop... but then as they kept going it was obvious that their lyrics sucked. their sound wasnt actually great, none of them played interesting or beautiful solos.. the keytar (sp?) didnt add very much... the drummer sucked. the only thing that was aight, was that both the singers actually had decent vocals... just not decent lyrics.
too simple, too 14 yr old girl pop princess.

both bands might be able to pull it off given the right circumstances... like say 14 yr old girl audiences... or apparently morris freshmen and half of my friends while slightly intoxicated on sun and wine.

I think SLP ruined me... I can admit the angst in half of the bands... yeah but that was ok THEN. I can admit that there were some ripped off influences... but people attempted to come up with their own style, a different style for each song.. a different hook, a different chorus, a meaningful song lyric, or a performance that they put some effort in to... maybe it was the jazz program, or the fact that good musicians actually worked with good musicians and left the rest of us out. it was elitest, but we had our places, and bands that sucked didnt get much time on the stage, but even when they sucked it was because they were attempting something better like a new solo... or a new harmony, or an intense moment of emotion... sometimes they slipped and tripped but people could tell they were trying... or i could...

bands these days dont even look at the audience. they dont sing to the audience. they dont play with their hearts. they dont realize they suck, so they have big egos, and when people dance... its usually cuz they want to have a good time... not because the music moves them... even the people who liked these bands today, werent moving all that much... it wasnt pushing them to move, it wasnt reaching out for their hearts or heads... just sort of echoing off the walls... and loud shit... well some people stayed around just because it was something to do.

needless to say im a douche bag elitest asshole -but despite the annoyance I had with the crowd for not demanding more... they were beautiful.

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