Saturday, July 22, 2006

Listening to talk radio makes you feel things

I started listening to a lot of talk radio a week ago, and i started finding it a lot more compelling then the same old tapes and the bad music they play... but part of the reason its compelling is because its conservative stuff, and i get energized.

So two things i guess:

A) on one program today, (a non political show) they were talking about mail order brides, and the male hosts were going on and on about how american women have too much attitude and such. (not that they put it so bluntly) but in general that a lot of men are out there looking for women and cant seem to find "a good one" and though i didnt believe them anyway, it did make me really happy about the way my life has worked out so far, and made me realize that i take for granted what other people are struggling for, a good relationship.
So I was thankful.

B) on the way home from seeing clerks with my brothers and zach, (very stupid but funny movie by the way) I was listening again, and they were talking about the hezbollah stuff and the host was having people call in to vote on whether the US should get involved, and ignorant mother fucker after ignorant mother fucker went on air saying that we should get in to another war, not only with hezbollah but syria and iran.... and it made me sick. I know they screen these calls and pitch it one way, and make it seem like they have more support then they actually do, but when will we learn? war breeds war, destruction destruction hatred hatred... and right when i was about to drive down there and become one of them myself by killing the fucking dj, an advertisement from a domestic abuse group comes on and tells parents to teach their children about how harming women is wrong. (and though i agree and think that group is pretty sweet) how the fuck do we teach are kids that violence against others is wrong when we enter into war as if it were a computer game?
The other day i heard person after person say if country A supplies weapons to country B to fight C (syria/iran helps hezbollah attack israel) then Country C can attack country A (israel attacks syria/iran)
Hypocrites!! Every attack on Israel or the US has been justified in the same way by the attackers! If there is one country (in the last 100 years) who has supplied the most weapons and support to regimes that hurt others it would be the US. Every war we have been in since WWII has been because we supplied B to hurt C and C wanted our blood. russia and china do the same shit. I know, but can we admit that we are no better?

They treat our world like video games.
I have been playing them for years, i know what they are like, and the world is not a fucking video game!!!
fuck those stupid assholes.

I wish i werent better than them, because then I could treat them like they treat us, but I cant, I cant give up hope, I cant not make peace, I cant not have the discussion. Im sitting here worried about moving in with a girl who is my political opposite, not because im afraid of the arguments but because I dont want them to hurt anyone, I dont want there to be so much friction that we cant sit down and know that we are human, but their solution is bomb the abortion clinics, bomb the countries, bomb and kill anything that disagrees to save freedom and humanity. fuck them.
when I get fired for being a teacher, at least I'll know it was cuz I cared about the fucking principles they claim to.

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