Saturday, April 09, 2005

an email from james
"Last night was my friend Aaron's birthday (as well as Susie and Bert's birthday). I joined some of my coworkers at the Town Hall Brewery in MInneapolis to celebrate. It was there that I had a breathtaking brush with fame.

Aaron brought over two of his friends. At first I was unimpressed, then he dropped the bombshell. These two amazing women were part of the team that designed and produced Oregon Trail and Numbermunchers! They were there, deciding who got dysentery and whether or not the boat crashed. They helped create those cute little guys that hopped from 14 to 21 to 28 and other multiples of 7, they were there!

We asked them many questions, and learned that intense research had gone into the projects. They had studied what kinds of animals went to what kinds of locations, and how much a hunter could carry, that is why even if you shot like 27 bears you could only carry 108 pounds or whatever. They looked at the odds of crashing your boat if you tried to fjord the river and they were in charge of poor timmy always drowning.

We traded stories for a few minutes, and then Kate and I asked for their autographs, they declined and looked embarressed. I am guessing that they get so many requests they have carpal tunnel, or are sick of their names appearing on items on ebay.

But despite the fact that I didn't get an signiture, I will forever treasure meeting two legends of my childhood, who helped me bridge the gap and become a man.

Just wanted to share that with yall.


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