Tuesday, January 26, 2021


 I had a bunch of interesting odd fun dreams this morning, but the only one I remember was N running around on the third floor of my mother's house, open space, back before they redid it. 

He looked skinny and smaller, that was the first thing I noticed. Later I concluded that he was younger, maybe 1 year old. His hair had been dyed blond. It was weird looking. He was happy chasing puppy, and then began to cry when it ran away and he couldn't reach it. He didn't know me, but he didn't not know me. 

No sign of his mom or sister. 

When I woke up I tried to figure out what the dream was about, and couldn't come up with anything. Maybe they are experiencing some life changes over there. Maybe its about my nephew who just turned 1. 

Maybe dreams are just random smatterings of misfiring brain cells. 

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