Monday, April 11, 2016


I went to an interview at an agency where they do refugee resettlement. It was nice, but I also realized that basic needs stuff/basic getting started doesn't really appeal to me. I could definitely do the job, would probably be helpful to learn the skills. Not sure what kind of impression I made, I realized I was being kind of quiet, but also giving very thoughtful and somewhat practical answers. I was really impressed with the questions they'd come up with. It was a good interview on her part.

I've been listening to Hamilton and loving it. The musical really transports you to the  world they created, though it's not quite late 1700s, and it's also not today.  Still it's universal. You cry and laugh and want the best for them. 

I lost my car keys again.  I got a tax bill. I might have screwed up with applying for state health insurance. It's hard to navigate things and it feels like my fault for not knowing. 

I think it's interesting how some people are captivating. There are a bunch of beautiful women that I see while at work, and I know nothing about them, but I am enchanted. I stare a lot, and try not to. But often when I am staring I am trying to figure out what it is about their face that is so mesmerizing. Often times I pick apart their features and in my head it doesn't add up to "the most beautiful" sometimes I even have this moment of realizing they aren't even that attractive - like someone else might be considered more cute or pretty, but nonetheless there is something that makes it hard to turn away from some people. Some glow, or curve, or color...  I spend a lot of time thinking about one. And then the next comes along and then I consider the next until the one after that... It's funny how attraction snares you. 

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