Sunday, June 30, 2013

I bet we have a lot in common, I bet you like the same things I do: chocolate, sleeping, new pets, spring time, summer time too

Below is a video of a person reading some bell hooks, we discuss  this excerpt (most of it) with the students at school... I am unsure how hearing it vs reading it plays out... but what do you think? 

Also I am not saying all of this is brilliant but there are brilliant parts of it...  

 Last night I played skee ball, I am looking forward to the next time I can play skee ball. Also hoping this is good (Flea's solo album), but I haven't listened to it yet. 

I just sent an email to someone and got sick to my stomach. It was an email asking them how they are doing, and saying I was interested in getting to know them... nothing more than that.* I got sick like I got sick every time I hung out with Jess V for the first year. I hope this isn't a sign.

 I am going to Iceland/Ireland in 2 weeks! So much walking today.... Pride was ok, but mostly it was commercial feeling. 

Maybe see Bronchi, Illy and who knows who else this week? Maybe go canoeing. Grant and Chris get home, gonna hear about South America... and find out whether I am still driven to go next year. Been wondering if I will have the cash... I am pretty sure it will rock my bank account. 

 I read something today that said green is a trigger color for creativity, while red inhibits it. My room at Jared's is red... Ima haffa paint dat shit 

*I was listening to Best Friends Forever's "Twins in Love"(not the best version) and "Tape Song", but really all of their songs about living and believing in the fantasy rather than actually trying things("Jes Excellent" "How BFF Breaks it off with Movie Stars" etc)  ... I still love those songs but I decided that was good enough 5 years ago when I was listening to them, but not anymore.

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