Sunday, May 19, 2013


I don't really know what it is exactly... maybe allergies sweeping in to rob me of my thoughts and tempt my eyes to close. Maybe its the weather, the barometric pressure causing my body to want to hide and find shelter under the covers. Maybe its just exhaustion, weeks of stress and emotional draining...  Maybe its depression, or just grieving. 

I have a thought, a dream, a plan... it vanishes, leaves me sleepy. 

I have a desire, a fantasy, a motivation... it vanishes, leaves me sleepy.

I don't really know what to do. Its not getting in the way of my normal daily routines... work is fine. But I am not really enjoying much, not really wanting to do the things I find myself doing. 

I wish I could. I would like to enjoy conversations and music, I'd like to appreciate things. I'd like to be creative and passionate... but when I try to put myself in a place to be/do that... I just get sleepy. 

How annoying

good work is happening at the capital this week.
 I want to run away. 

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