Saturday, November 10, 2012

my housemate's fav band

That's a song by 10cc, which is one of my Housemates favs, they are really talented, and that song is pretty dirty, but most of their stuff is super catchy, even when it is really weird. Music from the 70s.

I am not sure what I have to share. Obviously the election went almost as well as it could. If Michelle Bachmann had lost it would have been perfect... but I was super happy the next morning and most of the day.
I think its been hard to figure out what to do since...
I have time to take on new projects or watch tv or movies or read.
I picked up The Kid  by Dan Savage today... my coworker recommended it.

I went and got a massage. It was good, helpful, but now I am a little sore. Also I think I would prefer a massage therapist who doesn't talk... but since I only get them every other year or so... seems ok.

With time to spare and no non-personal obligations I find myself more contemplative in a bad way. Or rather in, a negative way towards myself.

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