Thursday, September 02, 2004

hmm 8 days in morris, reconnection, slight adustments, new classes new peoples, new and unusual smells, becky eating pb and j samiches. etc.

uh what do i actually have to say? "bushs speech?" -becky, um not really, it was stupid and such but not really worth writing about. "new classes?" na, "no pressure, how bout your cool hair?" ah yes i have cool hair now, braided with colorful extension things, etc. i am awesome. becky did it. she gets all the compliments. oh i got geoff fischbeins demo cd, his sister lives above me practically. uh so thats cool.
i left phone messages for all my girls like 4days ago and none of them have written me back, or called i mean, which makes me feel well u know. oh i got all my shit on itunes which is cool, but i dunno if im sharing, i havent quite figured out the system, and by system i mean my economics class, which i may have to work hard in. the other classes should be a breeze, becky i did not say "screw you" i said na. :::mike dramatically breaks into song (lip synching):::::: then switches it to the spanish version for becky.
turns up the volume, doesnt know spanish...

hmm more later hopefully, i have successfully played comp games and started guitar as well as got all my homework done for the week, im on the ball "damn" says becky, im awesome says mike, (hint of sarcasm) but mostly awesome.

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