Monday, August 09, 2004

Hey david since i havent posted in a long time and dint have anything else to say i figured a post on that topic could be appropriate.

I do think that was a very well made stunning etc piece of propaganda and i think the republicans have definietely done their job with that one, because the way it was presented does indeed give the impression they want people to have and really i mean its not an entirwly wrong impression. so im gonna go into this piece by piece and hopefully not forget anything but thanks for bringing it up and i encourage everyone to go check that out.

so first off i should say i dont really trust kerry all that much and i think he can be kind of tricky but not more so than bush, and even from a republican stance of traditional christian or conservative economic stance i dont see how any republican can not see how he has failed you. but anyway, chances are all presidents will fail in some regard. Its funny cuz i think one of the biggest questions people bring up is kerry on iraq, but lemme get to that in asec what im saying in this paragraph is that i dont think that presidents and nominees are wholly good or bad, i dont think they can win on every front and in terms of them as people i dont blame them for that but i do blame them while they are in the position, i do hold them accountable like i think CEOs of companies ought to be held accountable for stealing from their employees or making the world a shitty place (when those that do, do) so its not bush himself i cant stand but rather what he does. and yes that line gets blurry but the truth is i dont necessarily always think he is an asshole. anywho. the same with kerry. do i think he is better than bush? yeah by a long shot. but will he be perfect no. and i hope michael moore makes a movie about him as well. or a book cuz his books tend to have more info. anyway that said i will probably vote for kerry because i prefer to move on to a new struggle in hopes that it might be a small step in the right direction (but maybe it wont be and i will blame kerry and his staff) also nader would/will get my vote if mn looks full on kerry (but i see to many damn bumperstickers)

anywho lets get to the issue, i think its funny they take such a gray issue and turn it black and white, especially when i tend to do the same thing only find a better answer. (PEACE) anyway, i think in terms of kerry, his stance on vietnam changed because the war was shitty, and he didnt realize that till he got back, and i think he did the same thing here. and thats forgivable, not for those who may have lost their lives but kerry is not responsible the commander in cheif is. so maybe he was gung ho and when he realized how knee deep in shit they were he said "hey guys um, wanna try going back?" and thats better (if done safely) then saying "fuck it lets shoot our way out"

2nd i do think there is a difference between the point they are trying to make and what he did. because even in his earlier speeches he was saying "i give the go ahead after they exhaust other options" the problem is that this administration did rush to war, they did plant evidence (at least in the minds of the congress) they did convince them that there were WMDs and yes i blame the congress for being stupid and believing them but at the same time when the fbi the cia and several other top information groups say "they are bad guys" its hard to remember that those bad guys were once put in power by those same information agencies. (not that it should be, but apparently it is, stupid congress)
anyway i think he has tried to make it clear that he critisizes the administration for rushing, not having a plan, not being able to go through with what they did have planned and such. i blame them for losing history (sacking of museums) anyway. thats one of the things i think even pro war people can say "fucking bush" to because its clear that they werent ready, they knew exactly how to bomb but not how to rebuild. and thats what a responsible power (such as we should be) is supposed to be able to do. we "hated" communism because it was destructive and didnt give to personal freedoms and didnt support our economy but what did we just do to iraq, we blew up their buildings, put thousands out of jobs, didnt even have police up and running for like 3-4 months i mean we gave them mob rule at the point of our gun, and mob rule by gun point is not freedom. as for now, sure they get rigged elections in a few months, but in general our image over there has gotten worse, so something must be wrong there. so to blame bush for rushing to war is a different stance even though i think john kerry is for the war. I dont like him for that, but i like the fact he doesnt want to create more of these catastrophes because he has learned from the mistake we have already made. Some people say a good leader is one who pushes ahead through the swamp, i say one who can admit the mistake and then make up for it is better.

that wasnt exactly point by point like i wanted it to be but hey, hows life everyone?

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