Wednesday, August 11, 2004

another post from someone else's thoughts

(from david's site after his michael moore post)

not that anyone cares anymore but uh i love michael moores films even though i do know he twists the facts because it gives the bias i like to see the one that makes sense to me, the bias of people in power should look out for those without it (jesus) instead of hurting more people (bush) and the fact that michael moore misquotes exaggerates and cuts and pastes doesnt bother me one bit because i know that o'reilly and tucker and bush and ashcroft and rumsfeld (especially rumsfeld) and all of them are doing it too. Its true there is no unbiased reporting and there are no real documentaries. documentaries on birds (winged migration) are still showing a bias (as in birds are beautiful and should be appreciated and such) and yes if we are holding bush to a standard of truth, we ought to hold michael moore to one as well, but i think the fact that bush's actions and words are 100 times as powerful as michael moores also means that we should hold him to a higher standard.

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