Wednesday, June 23, 2004

i havenae been home in a while, im supposed to let my mom borrow my car thursday for like the day, i dunno how thts gonna work, petes been in town so i been on the west side, (park) his sister is getting married on friday and then he leaves on sunday. its been pretty fun. hmmm i came home to clean out and wash my car and since i got here my motivation to do that has been plummeting. i need to put air in my tires and figure out why im spending so much and how to stop that. consumer i am, and yeah i tend to supersize. lets see, anything else, nova luna is going to south africa on thursday to have an amazing experiance and good time. i feel like i been really hard on jmes and hes been trying to be really nice to me. and steve may or may not have finished cleaning up our room/moving in. alsostuff

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