Wednesday, December 17, 2003

hmmm so i suck so heres an update


"i think there may be a way that dr taylor and i can describe this to you thats both fun and educational."

1. Mike why dont you ever talk to me online anymore?
-well i guess its partly cuz im at school and there are people around, so i dont always feel like sitting in my room typing, also my room isnt very comfortable, i have probably written more e mails and posts from other people's computers this semester than mine.

2. Mike why dont you post anymore?
- same reasons, plus i tended to post more when i had something to say and no one around to say it to, this doesnt mean i dont want to post, i just dont really have anything to say. nothing of importance.

3. Mike why dont u have any pants on?
- same reason i dont have underwear on.

4. mike why dont u have anything of importance to say?
- well i guess its cuz due to having all these people around all the time, i dont have my usual time of self reflection, meaning at time im not fully in tune with myself or whats important to me. Now in certain cases, having conversations with people about things makes me analyze whats important to me, so with some things i feel like im doing ok, but in other areas maybe i need a day off you know? i guess its just that, normally the times i remember to stay humble and like love everyone and truly realize whats so wonderful about the world. is when im seperated from it. its like being in hell and seeing heaven, u realize all the bad things you have done and want so badly to make uo for it. and not that i like being in hell or anything but sometimes its good for me to cut myself off from the things i love so that i can appreciate them.

5. Mike why are you so hot?
-because im sitting on a heater.

6. Do you like pie?
-sometimes, when im by myself.

7 mike why are you leaving now and going to continue the post later?
-cuz my mom really wants to use the internet. and the monkey is about to throw poo at me if i stay.

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