Thursday, December 18, 2003

FAQ also (see previous post)

8. Is the sun really yellow? or does it just look like that. cuz i think it just looks that way.
-um ok, well i dont really know your guess is as good as mine.

9. Mike who's the girl?
-Becky, she lives on my floor at school and in crystal when were home. we been official for like a little less than two months and kinda been together a little longer. shes pretty sweet, real kind and giving and nice to people. doesnt seem to judge a whole lot, tries to look for the good in people. gets better grades than I, (thats an understatement) helps me do my homework. watches movies with me till 6 in the morning. doesnt smoke or drink that much. looks good in a dress, jeans, or sweat pants (which is quite hard to do when u think about it) makes me happy most of the time. uh i guess u can figure out the rest if/when u meet her.

10. what you listenin to these days?
-uh as for new stuff
the Hair soundtrack,
God loves ugly by atmosphere
and uh a little outkast
as well as some other stuff

11. whats funny?
-olde english is about to put out some more videos which i eagerly await.
that end of the world cartoon is pretty quick and funny
dan and ona from my floor are hilarious
the red vs blue series at if u know the game halo

12. uh whats ur take on world politics?
-everting be fucked but we can do it better

13. whats up with egalitarianism?

aol dictionary
Main Entry: egal·i·tar·i·an·ism
Pronunciation: -E-&-"ni-z&m
Function: noun
Date: 1905
1 : a belief in human equality especially with respect to social, political, and economic rights and privileges
2 : a social philosophy advocating the removal of inequalities among people

um sounds reasonable, i dont think we will all ever be truly equal but i think we should try to see the good things about people, and the area in which they kick ass and then promote them and treat them respectfully for it. I think socialism is preferable to letting people or rather forcing people to suffer.

14. Are u still a nerd?
- sometimes, movie nerd mostly lately, my comp at school cant handle comp games, i guess i been playign a lot of x box in this kid named t-roy's room. I cant say im that good but i do fine.

15. Whats de deal?
- uh well its basically like 15 % off and then after the first 30 days u get an additional 10% off which is cool.

16. Hows morris?
-its smooth, a bit cold like windy as fuck, peoples are nice, classes are ok, so far i got a b + and an a in the two classes that have reported, the other two will be significantly lower.

17. How long is the hair?
-i cant really tell, i suppose it seems about shoulder length or longer.

18. Is it true you broke your glasses twice?
-well yeah, i mean i broke em, and then i got new ones, and they were really cheap so they broke also. I will get new ones soon.

19. are u excited to be home?
-yeah i am, im a bit nervous cuz i been home like two days and havent gotten much done, i've seen some cats and thats good, but eh, gifts glasses work and shit, none of that is done.

20. Finally mike what do u wanna be when u grow up?
-what does anyone want to be? well liked i suppose.

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