Friday, September 23, 2016

A thought on empathy and politics

I think I just figured out why anti-abortion positions never made any sense to me.

With almost all things, i tend to review them through as much of an empathetic lens as possible. For instance war doesn't make sense because -hello humans killing humans... Drug laws, why put someone in prison for hurting themselves? 
But abortion... Who are you empathizing with? Do you remember being a zygote? A tadpole embryo? A tiny otter skinned chipmunk looking thing? A hairless pygmy marmoset the size of an apple? 

Vs the mother, dont you clearly remember a time when you were terrified and overwhelmed, and feeling like you just can't handle shit? Why don't you empathize with that? 

I just don't get it... To me the person isn't arguing based on anything real, except this abstract idea that has no basis in reality (the completely unknown of what could be) or they just want to dictate how people should live their lives. 

Some will say, oh but all that potential is wasted, but then why not focus on the potential we are wasting all around us?

Some will say, you got to protect the vulnerable, but then why not focus on the vulnerable all around us?

Some will say, you got to protect life, but then why not protect the life around us? 

I don't get it. 

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