Thursday, August 09, 2012

My room smells like cat pee

I think because I haven't had the window open for a few days I suddenly noticed what my room regularly smells like. I probably need to do a complete sweep and clean.

I think I have been operating under a different set of assumptions about how a friendship works than some of my besties lately.  There is something slightly off, and I have been feeling slighted, but perhaps its just a different way of seeing things. 

I don't know. This afternoon I was thinking I need to change things. 
I am pretty sure I am going to chop off my hair something like 8 months early, but who needs schedules?

On the way home I was thinking maybe things aren't supposed to fall into place, because this isn't the place for them to fall together right... but that was after reading for hours about the devastation of people and the planet by misguided attempts at ecological change...   I really enjoy this style of history. In this style, economics and politics are impacted by the environment rather than the other way around. 

It makes more sense in the overarching history than most other theories...

Oh well those are my thoughts.

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