Monday, April 12, 2010

In school today we were reading an excerpt from Master of Love a book by somebody...
The author was talking about how the path of love and the path of fear are opposites.
Very simply put, the path of love makes you feel good, the path of fear makes you feel all the horrible feelings...

The author at one point early on states without much explanation, that for most of us we spend about 95 % of our time and effort in relationships of fear.
We worry about what they will think, feel, how they will react towards themselves or to us. We make excuses for them and ourselves, we don't take responsibility for the right things etc.
We spend so much time fearing that they will judge us that we will forget who we are altogether 95% of the time...

Its hard to recognize how true this is... I mean to really recognize it.

To recognize that almost everything you do you do to please someone elses wrong construction of who you are... and that you try to fit that mold and never disturb their monster and they do the same for you.

Its hard not to put people in that glorious spot.
Hard not to want to find the perfect.
Hard not to want to see it in yourself (someday).
but all that is fear not love.
Love accepts and supports... it doesn't say you aren't good enough.


Anonymous said...

This opened my eyes!
Hopefully will do the same to you!
Please see before you judge!


Money as debt

project camelot magnetic motor

Importante please pass forward

Annael said...

Love and fear are exact opposites indeed. Sadly today, most of us have given love a definition that makes love the very cause for lots of fear.

I sometimes think that instead of saying "I love you" to a dear one, I should instead say "I free you".

That way, I am accepting people as they are, and thus I have a more solid foundation on which I can be of help to them.
