Friday, July 23, 2004

We went to see Hair the other night,   my dad and his wife,   becky and I.  it was fantabulous,    left us feeling good, high energy good vibes,    we  even thought they might have been smoking real weed, and the incense  filled the air  the entire show.    If  u bothered to read the lyrics  from the song posted below,  u might get a sort of feel of the show,   peace love and happiness.  they  leave  the antiwar debate at the simple notion that people are too beautiful to destroy   and that simple reason  seems  to be more than enough and yet   war on.      I went through a period of despair   when i woke up the next morning remembering that the beautiful world  the show creates for a few short hours was  not real  and even worse, that i probably wont get that feeling again, or at least wont see the show again for many years.         It  disturbs  me  how  people   are so wrong  now.   Or rather  so intrenched in negativity   and  the fact that im with them  sort os pisses me off,  (a quiet despair)     How can we  all see war  as such a horrible thing  and go at it   every chance we get? 
the audience at the show  was also  quite interesting, it was yuppie central  and i felt  weird  walking into the bathroom seeing that i was the only guy there who fit in with the characters  of the play.  fancy clothes and cocktail  parties  here i come.  (never)

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