Friday, February 14, 2020

India (abundance)

I had this dream, it was kind of funny. 

So in the dream I really need to make this train (which doesn't make sense). It is a train to India I guess, and I am supposed to be going on a trip with a group of people. But I made a pitstop home to repack my bags. I am going through my bags (I have 4 small ones), and I am trying to decide what is unnecessary so that I can move forward less burdened. I am aware that time is running out, that I really need to go, but it is taking me a lot of time. I can't figure out what is important, and what is just for kicks, and I know that I will be able to buy anything I need there, but I am also struggling to let go (hints?). People are standing around and some are pressuring me to hurry up, but there are little toys and things that I keep thinking I might need in order to entertain the group. I don't know what to keep, what to share, what to assume will be there in the future.

Eventually I realize I only have 20 minutes till the train leaves, and I know that isn't even enough time to get to the station. I have delayed. I have failed. 
My mom is there, and rather than scolding me, or reassuring me, she just says, maybe you didn't actually want to go?  (or something like that). 

I am considering this, when I wake up. I am still groggy, still in the dream, I am distinctly aware of looking at my bags, now packed... and realizing that I am already in India. That the train leaving the station didn't actually mean anything. I could catch up later if I wanted to. I could move forward and live without the group. I already have what I need. There is nothing to worry about, stop being scared. Life is abundant and it is only your perceptions holding you back.

****As a side note, my perception of India when I was there and since, has always been that it is abundant and thriving in a way that western (mike's) can't truly understand. That you could spend life times there and that it would still be awe inducing.

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