Tuesday, July 07, 2020

And then the flip side

Chatting with a friend, and thought, you know, we as a people have never had so many things put into perspective all at once. We are disappointed, frustrated, grieving and suddenly aware how inadequate our systems are, how corrupt our institutions have become, our leadership inept.

This could be the most brilliant pivot in the history of humanity.
We could all come together right now and say "we could do this better."

And then do it...

take back the commons, the public for the public
green energy
no more guns
a garden in every park, church, school, and lawn
food grown and prepped within 30 minutes,
music, dance, theater, story telling, public and everywhere
the resurgence of the library as a community hub,
schools reorganized so that they are more than just babysitting/factories
healthcare made free for those who need
term limits, limited and publicly funded elections,
prisoners let free and voting rights restored
no more private prisons/ no detention centers,
end homelessness
end militant policing
end endless wars
reinvest in the local and the global
invest in a culture that accepts life, death and everything human and natural

We could do all of that and more.
We could do it now on a global scale or a local one.
In an anarcho-communalist way, a democratic socialist way, a totalitarian way...

My friend mentioned people look to leaders to do these things.
These are big things, but they are also the things that will happen regardless eventually.
If we don't find ways to embrace ourselves, we will just keep struggling until we do.

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