Tuesday, June 14, 2011

too much stuff

I am surrounded by junk.

I have been trying to do some sorting and tossing.
I feel bad to throw away stuff that could be used but with my current state of mind it just needs to go. I don't feel like I have the time to sell it or take it anywhere. 

Too much too much
I have cds and dvds and books to get rid of and waiting till a lawn sale or till I can take them to cheapo or half priced books or whatever seems like too long a wait.  Also it is raining. How did I get all this junk?
Why do I keep it?

Also I have had all these really shitty paintings that I did when I wasn't very inspired and that didn't amount to anything... and they are all in the garbage now.

 minus pictures and some select things, maybe my computer... I could really go for a clean sweep. 

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