Monday, January 29, 2007

Jim says my ballroom days are over. I am waiting on mail.
This weekend me and aimee and pete will hopefully be getting together.
It was thrown out that we might have a 3b party soon at dinner tonight.

Im trying to figure out how to live healthier without changing my lifestyle... I am currently surrounded by very little space, m&m cookies and a basket of candy. but i dont think its the sugar, i think its the lack of exercise... i dont feel drained... in fact lately i have at times felt quite active and energetic... surprising for the time of year, the weather, my feelings of personal disapproval... but energetic all the same.
I have a number of projects i have been thinking about... and i dont feel like they wont get done, more that logistically they arent possible currently... which is fine.. patience is afterall something we have to learn.

And tonight i have homework for my 3 - 1.667 hour classes tomorrow.
An interesting party tomorrow night... by party i mean gathering to sell products of a taboo nature... bring your cash and not your embarassment..

I got a criticism on a poem back today and i think the teacher got most of the points i meant to make, but she said it was confusing... I think revision would be a good option... on like maybe 3 things right now... I have to take a poem im not so fond of into class on wednesday for critique and i dont really care (read: not happy with that poem) but maybe it will be good for me.

My dad has been mentioning a lot lately how truamatized he has been about certain events that have recently occurred... involving students and death. (public knowledge for the most part-but he might have confidentiality issues) I read his words, and feel the ringing in it, that sort of -what do you do...- feeling and its odd because its just like seeing your parents get divorced at a young age, you expect them to be whole and know what they are doing, know how to handle things... but some things arent handable.... thats probably a made up word... but why not... it fits.

and me, im caught some where in between wanting and waiting, stalking and walking a new course.

i feel vindicated... i feel worthless... and when the townies mug me hardcore at the local shops... i have 15 things to change to fit in... and then would I? would I fit with me still?

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