Tuesday, December 31, 2024


I spent most of the day ignoring the day, the moment, the end of the year.  Other people are sending me texts of support, or wellwishing or whatever one does on the last day of a the year. 

We used to celebrate when I was young. 

After college, some of my friends would celebrate "old years eve on the 30th"  that was a funny tradition. 

I was never much of a partier, so the whole thing really hasn't been my speed for a while. They are having a party downstairs. Its oooonce oooonce ooooonce with a beat. 

I don't remember what we did last year, probably watched a movie and went to bed?  I should see if I have an entry. 

Yesterday I worked. I work again on thursday and Friday. It was ok, but my heart wasn't fully in it, because on Sunday Elsa and I had been chatting, and then on Monday she said she needed to put the boundaries back up and I knew she did... but it was hard to hear all the same. The reality that she was the biggest source of comfort and hope for me for over two years... or rather that our relationship was... and now we can't talk without  one of us having to set a boundary so we don't get heart broken more than necessary is like  "wow mature" and also really shitty. The same grief again and again. Its hardest in the first day or two, and within a few days it dissipates. But it doesn't necessarily mean it is replaced with something better.   I don't know what I want...

I really don't.  

I spent all of last week thinking I needed to figure out my future, and I never did. It was a gray sky and I was irritable... and I just didn't figure shit out. 

I promised myself I'd return to my book soon -had planned to all last week and never did. I started yesterday. Read half of 1A or whatever... then another half today, and started on 1B.  Added significantly to one of the Lucy chapters, then it got erased (45 minutes of writing), then I recreated it later in the evening, though probably not as inspired as the first time. 

I fell in love with the book again. I've been crying over the characters again. Awed at how the muse caught me in certain scenes. Very critical of how the narration keeps changing styles and point of views.  I will definitely need a good editor eventually. 

Reading it has made me want to keep going again. Maybe that's one conclusion I have come to at the very end of this year. That I want to start putting effort in more frequently.  

Looking at the last saved files, it has been years.  Leap frogged through the last decade.  It shows too. It shows that I started this project ten years ago, the technology, the politics, the state of the world (pandemics, wars, etc.)  have all changed since. How much do I want to incorporate? How much do I want to acknowledge, NO this is a different timeline... so that I don't have to worry about being "accurate" in my predictions. Better to let the timeline split earlier. The tech piece is probably the most difficult to salvage... do they have internet and smart phones and TikTok?  I have them passing jump drives, but that doesn't make sense with smart phones. Maybe they are finding ways to airdrop or transfer files through little cords. I need something more consistent.   But its funny... like TikTok wasn't a thing really ten years ago, and it is now... so the youth especially need to have that.  T swift is the same. So that works. Ha

So much work to do... but I enjoy it. I can write a scene and it can be crap, and I can edit it a thousand times later.  I can put out a book, and then not write the sequel for ten years... that could be a thing. 

I could make a website and say  10 more parts to come... and then never ever finish that, but pay for the upkeep on the website of course. 

I dunno. I am crying over imaginary characters I've created, and noticing how they each mirror people in my life (not entirely), but scenes I wish I'd experienced, and scenes I have experienced... and its all weird. Its so clear it is me and the things I project on the world. (though kind of dark as fuck). 

Anyway... I wrote down some new years words that i heard on the radio... words like "creative" and "play"  but my goals are still the same.  

I don't want to do a big retrospective of this year.  This year was hard... and there was plenty of good too... but it ends with recovery from a long relationship that was my biggest source of comfort and hope for the past two years.  And now I am trying to find comfort and hope in new things... and that's how the year ended. 

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